9 May 2024 • 11:30-13:00 • Auditorium • Session translated simultaneously PL/EN
The end of blast furnaces in Europe. Zero CO2 emissions from steelmaking operations in the EU by the middle of this century, 30 per cent reduction by 2030. The industry’s difficult outlook in the face of the energy crisis and environmental regulatory requirements. Carbon-free technologies and specialised processing as an opportunity for the European steel sector? The potential of Europe’s own steel production as a determinant of independence, security and defence capabilities.
President of the Management Board, Polish Union of Steel Distributors
Vice-President of the Management Board for sales, JSW SA
Director, Analysis Department, Ministry of Industry
General Director, Member of the Board, ArcelorMittal Poland
President of the Management Board, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Metallurgy
President of the Management Board, General Director, Stalprofil SA
President of the Management Board, Węglokoks SA
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