European Economic Congress

Digitization in practice. Talking about technologies

7 May 2024 • 14:30-16:00 • Multifunctional room D • Session translated simultaneously PL/EN

Session partner

Thematic scope

– Metaverse – the new face of the internet. How to function efficiently in a virtual world? Products, services, behavioural models and activities that exploit the possibilities of the meta-world. Metaverse platforms – business potential and future directions.

– Digitalisation in the world, Europe, Poland. Devices and technologies of the future: how they are changing the economy, business, everyday life. Global trends in digitalisation and their adoption: opportunities and challenges, barriers and effects.

– Implementations, experiences, standards. Companies in a digital business space: how do they implement new solutions, what do they expect, what can they expect? Technological innovation in the financial sector – new services, convenience and security.

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