Europejski Kongres Gospodarczy 2023

This year’s edition of the European Economic Congress in Katowice brought another attendance record and high levels of satisfaction among the participants. Apart from that, the promotional effect of the event has remained consistently strong, and the organisers assert that preparations for the 10th anniversary edition of the EEC in 2018 have already begun.

The main topic of the press conference held in Katowice on last Monday was the summary of the 9th European Economic Congress (EEC).

The largest business conference in Central Europe attracted 9 thousand people to the International Conference Centre and the ‘Spodek’ Arena on 10-12 May 2017. During that time, 132 thematic sessions were held, being attended by over 800 speakers.

On 11-12 May, the ‘Spodek’ Arena hosted the second edition of the event accompanying the EEC and being held in parallel with it - the European Start-up Days (ESD), which brought together 2.5 thousand representatives of young business.

The EEC is organised by the PTWP Group. The company’s Chairman of the Board Wojciech Kuśpik emphasised that each year the Congress is gaining more prominence, not only nationwide, but also across Europe and worldwide.

‘A positive reception and record attendance have reinforced once again our belief that we are developing in a good direction,’ commented Kuśpik.

PTWP’s Chairman of the Board also pointed out the considerable promotional effects of the Congress. As of 3 June 2017, the advertising value equivalent, i.e. an amount that should be spent on an equivalent advertising space and air time, has been estimated at over PLN 30 million in the case of the EEC and PLN 5 million for the ESD.

There was a record number of users who watched broadcasts from the EEC and ESD debates in live streaming on EEC, and ING websites - there were almost 375 thousands of them during the three days.

Apart from that, as in previous years, the panellists and partners, took part in a satisfaction survey conducted by the BCMM - badania marketingowe Institute. Over 93 per cent of the interviewed listeners and nearly 92 per cent of the panellists declared their participation in the next edition of the Congress.

‘Next year, we are organising the 10th edition. We can announce right now that there will be plenty of novelties and innovations as regards the formula of the Congress, and the integration between the participants in the EEC and the ESD will be even greater. Moreover, the next Congress will take place in an already functioning metropolis, and it will be an important test prior to the UN Climate Summit,’ emphasised PTWP’s Chairman of the Board, Wojciech Kuśpik.


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