Technologies of the future: review and zoom in
MORE SPEAKERSWojciech Cellary
Company: Poznań School of Banking
Company: Poznań School of Banking
Prof. WOJCIECH CELLARY, Ph.D., is a computer scientist currently working at the University WSB Merito in Poznan, and previously at 3 universities in Poland and 6 abroad in France and Italy. He was the leader of 80 research projects, main organizer of 60 scientific conferences, member of programe committees of 400 conferences. He is the author of 200 scientific publications. His professional activities include consultancy and participation in the expert groups, committees, councils and associations. He has promoted 18 PhDs, of whom 6 have been awarded habilitation and 2 have been awarded the title of professor. Around 20,000 students have attended his lectures in Polish, English and French. His current research themes are: the digital economy and society and Industry 4.0.
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