26 April 2023 • 09:30-11:00 • Auditorium • Session translated simultaneously PL/EN
Coal – time for a comeback? A pipe dream or a necessity? Demand for hard coal in Europe in the face of crisis phenomena, the transformation of the energy sector, the climate crisis. Forecast and outlook. Prices, availability, logistics – the global coal market situation and chances of stabilisation. Rationality of investing in mining capacity. What to replace coal with – diversification paths, national strategies, investors’ plans.
Deputy President of the Management Board for Trade, Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa SA
Deputy President of the Management Board for Commercial Business, Węglokoks SA
Director, Department of Strategy and Analysis, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Poland
President of the Management Board, Energy Forum
President of the Management Board, Polska Grupa Górnicza SA, President, Euracoal
Chairman of the Board, Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice, Deputy Prime Minister 2000-2001, Minister of Economy 1997-2001, Chairman, Economic Shadow Cabinet, BUSINESS CENTRE CLUB
Member of the Polish Parliament, Secretary of State, Government Plenipotentiary for the Transformation of Energy Companies and Coal Mining, Ministry of State Assets
President of the Management Board, Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka SA
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