European Economic Congress 2023

Presentation of finalists of the “EEC Startup Challenge” contest. Part 2

25 April 2023 • 13:30-14:30 • ballroom B • Session translated simultaneously PL/EN

Session partner

Thematic scope

Awards for the most interesting solutions submitted in one of the five industry-specific categories of the competition for an innovative product, technology, business model or optimised process. The winners of their categories will be awarded with the title of “Start-up Challenge Winner”.

Talk 2:1

EduTech: potential and challenges

EduTech and what the Polish school really needs: using AI, robots and multimedia to impart knowledge in a modern way. How is innovative Polish business faring on the modern education market?

CATEGORY: CLIENT & LIFESTYLE – Trade and retail, customer experience, e-commerce, fintech, edutech, gaming, sport, and the leisure industry

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