25 April 2023 • 11:30-13:00 • Auditorium • Session translated simultaneously PL/EN
The structure of the Polish power generation industry and energy security. Polish energy policy: a document under permanent revision? The growing dependence of Poland on energy imports – can this tendency be reversed, and if so, how? The potential of renewable and low-emissions sources; scheduled and completed investments. Renewable sources: pumped-storage hydroelectricity and biogas plants. Tools and models for stabilising the system: the potential role of nuclear energy, technology and the market.
Managing Director, EDF Representative Office in Poland
President of the Management Board, E.ON Polska SA
Undersecretary of State, Plenipotentiary for Social Dialogue, Ministry of State Assets, Poland
President of the Management Board, TAURON Wytwarzanie SA
Partner, Head of Deal Advisory Department in Poland and Middle-East Europe, KPMG in Poland
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