24 April 2023 • 16:30-18:00 • conference room 24 • Session translated simultaneously PL/EN
Growing levels of cyberaggression and cybercrime. Causes, scale, forecasts. System vulnerability as an effect of growing interdependences and ubiquitous ICT solutions. The costs of attacks on digital infrastructure and data resources for the economy and administration. The specialisation of cybercrime, new methods, process organisation; different kinds and attack goals. IT environment security – good practices in IT solution development and use; necessary competencies, challenges, and educational opportunities. Where to find cybersecurity specialists? The demand in the job market and the availability of skilled professionals. Effective prevention, quick elimination and mitigation.
Director, Cyber Security Centre, AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków
Director for International Cooperation, Inseqr sp. z o.o.
Research Manager, Kościuszki Institute
Director for Security Strategy, Microsoft
President, Polish Information Society
Managing Director, Security and Business Continuity Management Division, Bank BNP Paribas
Chief Information Officer, PKO TFI Member of the UN High-Level Council for Digital Cooperation (IGF)
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