26 April 2023 • 11:30-13:00 • conference room 7 • Session translated simultaneously PL/EN
The EU policy of abolishing tariffs and other barriers to global competition among the largest economies. Free trade agreements, promoting EU norms and standards: where are we standing, what else can be achieved? Licensing standards, employee rights, environmental protection: potential points of disagreement. Regulations protecting the internal market: protectionism in Europe and across the globe. A wave of regulations designed to ensure independence in terms of critical raw materials, components, and goods. Learn and use: the importance of understanding regulations and good adaptive practices in international business expansion.
President, Polish Association of the Automotive Industry
Director of the Export Department, Polish Investment and Trade Agency
President, Polish-Asian Chamber of Commerce; Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Poland 2012–2015
Chief Economist, Employers of Poland (Pracodawcy RP)
Deputy President of the Management Board for Finance, Węglokoks SA
Head of World Economy Team, Polish Economic Institute (PIE)
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