Michał Misztal

Michał Misztal

Company: Startup Academy

Position: CEO

President of Startup Academy, business trainer, lecturer at Lazarski University, coordinator and creator of numerous entrepreneurship education programs.

During 12 years of work on the development of entrepreneurship in Poland, he looked after over 600 startups from various industries, then acting as the Regional Director of AIP. All 11 incubators of the Mazowieckie voivodship were under his care. Then he took over the sales management of Warsaw Business Links - business accelerators and coworking spaces.

He is the author of business education programs for novice businessmen for whom he conducted several hundred hours of advice. He was a consultant on several dozen investment processes, many of which were successful. He successfully obtained many grants for the development of companies whose amounts exceeded PLN 20 million.

He feels great as a trainer or speaker - he has conducted dozens of trainings and has appeared at many business and startup conferences, supporting the development of the largest startup organization in Europe.

Participates in the sessions:

  • Presentation of 18 finalists of the “Start-up Challenge” contest Start-up Challenge


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