Mariusz Kondraciuk

Mariusz Kondraciuk

Head of Operating Company, Commercial Proxy, Smart Infrastructure, Siemens Polska

Mr Kondraciuk graduated from the Management Faculty of the Warsaw School of Economics and the Warsaw University of Technology specializing in Power Systems and Grids. He started his career in 1994 at the Utility- Zakład Energetyczny Warszawa- Teren . Afterwards he was involved in establishing of the Polish daughter company for STS (currently BTC). Since 2000 associated with Siemens Poland, currently as the Head of Smart Infrastructure Business, he is responsible for the area of building technologies and comprehensive solutions for power distribution. Mr Kondraciuk is actively engaged in promoting latest technology in the sectors of energy and infrastructure (smart city).

Participates in the sessions:

  • Distribution of energy – it is time to go smart


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