Katarzyna Sobótka-Demianowska

Katarzyna Sobótka-Demianowska

Company: EIT InnoEnergy

Position: Head of Business, Central and Eastern Europe

A manager with extensive professional experience, responsible for the execution of projects in the field of innovation and electromobility, including the construction of fast charging infrastructure for electric vehicles at petrol stations at the largest company in the CEE region. She was also responsible for the development of the electromobility market in a global corporation from the power industry.

She was responsible for the implementation of research and development projects and the technology transfer of innovative technologies in the field of energy, both in terms of creating guidelines and their implementation. Expert of the European Commission in the field of project evaluation under the Horizon 2020 Program.

A graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology, RES | The School for Renewable Energy Science in Iceland and the TOP 500 Innovators Program at the Haas School of Business at the University of California in Berkeley, as well as a laureate of international awards, including the International Partnership for Hydrogen Economy, the German Federal Environment Foundation - DBU and Swedish Inistitute. Passionate about new technologies, especially electric cars.

Participates in the sessions:

  • Infrastructure and the development of electromobility


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