Hanna Zdanowska

Hanna Zdanowska

Position: Mayor of Łódź, Ambassador of the Climate Pact, Member of the Committee on the Environment, Climate Change and Energy, Member of the Green Deal Working Group, European Committee of the Regions

Hanna Zdanowska was born in Łódź. She graduated in environmental engineering at the Faculty of Construction and Architecture of the Technical University of Łódź. For six years she was a Director of the office of the Łódź Chamber of Industry and Commerce. In 2006, Hanna Zdanowska became a councillor in the City Council, later becoming Deputy Mayor of Łódź. She was in charge of education, sport and EU funds. In 2007, she was elected to the Parliament of the Republic of Poland where she served as Deputy Chair of the Special Committee "Friendly State" for matters relating to the reduction of bureaucracy. She has been the Mayor of the City of Łódź since 2010. Madam Mayor Hanna Zdanowska has been a member of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) since December 2019. In the current term of the CoR, she is a part of the ENVE Committee - Environment, Climate Change and Energy, the SEDEC Commission - Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture. She is also a member of the CoR Green Deal Going Local working group, an CoR Climate Pact Ambassador and a National Ambassador for the Covenant of Mayors

Participates in the sessions:

  • The city for climate. The idea of a green city


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