As every year, we will meet in an exceptional place. The International Congress Centre in Katowice.
Dozens of online debates about an economy transformed by a pandemic - opportunities for a new opening. Current and important topics for the future of business and the market. Dozens of invited entrepreneurs and investors, government representatives and experts.
EEC Online - the event, for the first time organised remotely and 100% accessible on the Internet, will take place on the originally planned 18-20 May. The online version of the Congress will be filled with live broadcasts, presentations, interviews, webinars and online debates on the economy, which, having found itself in a completely new situation, is looking for answers to basic questions.
20 September 2021 • 15:30-16:00 • Ballroom B
Reaching digital maturity of Polish healthcare: Where are we at? eSickLeave, ePrescription, eReferral, the Online Patient Account and… what will come next? Electronic medical records (EMR) – collection, exchange, and benefits for the system, institutions and patients.
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