As every year, we will meet in an exceptional place. The International Congress Centre in Katowice.
Dozens of online debates about an economy transformed by a pandemic - opportunities for a new opening. Current and important topics for the future of business and the market. Dozens of invited entrepreneurs and investors, government representatives and experts.
EEC Online - the event, for the first time organised remotely and 100% accessible on the Internet, will take place on the originally planned 18-20 May. The online version of the Congress will be filled with live broadcasts, presentations, interviews, webinars and online debates on the economy, which, having found itself in a completely new situation, is looking for answers to basic questions.
The battle for clean air: legislation, funding, and enforcement of regulations. Programmes and actions – practice and efficiency. The energy transition is forcing action from energy companies and district heating operators, but also from actors such as end users, the government, local authorities, and industry as a whole. How to make their actions effective?
Member of Parliament of the Republic of Poland
Deputy Mayor of the City of Ruda Śląska for Communal Management
Deputy Chairman of the Board, National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW)
Polish Prime Minister’s Plenipotentiary for the Clean Air Programme, Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland
Director, Department of Infrastructure and Environment, Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia and Dąbrowa Basin
press spokesman, Polski Alarm Smogowy
Mayor of Żywiec
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