Nauka dla przemysłu - nadchodzą zmiany
ZOBACZ WIĘCEJRyszard Pregiel
Firma: Polska Izba Gospodarcza Zaawansowanych Technologii
Stanowisko: Prezes
Firma: Polska Izba Gospodarcza Zaawansowanych Technologii
Stanowisko: Prezes
Prof. Ryszard Pregiel is the President of the Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology. He graduated from the Faculty of Electronic Engineering at the Wroclaw University of Technology and earned his MSc in mathematics from the Bauman State Moscow Technical University. In 1969 he received doctorate in telecommunications and in 1979 the title of doctor habilitatus in automation and robotics, both from the Wroclaw University of Technology. He also spent a few years on scientific placements among others at the Bell Telephone Laboratories and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
He started his professional career in the Polish telecommunications and from 1961 to 1970 he served as managing director of the telecommunications districts of Wroclaw and Katowice. After 1970 he was the managing director of the Control Systems Institute, the general director of the Scientific and Production Centre of Control Systems MERASTER in Katowice and the president of the Association of Automation and Measurement Equipment MERA. In 1985 he was appointed as undersecretary of state in the Polish Committee of Research and Technology. After the economic transformation in Poland he was an organizer a number of private and public-private enterprises of high technology.
Besides technical and economical activity his professional career includes many academic posts. He worked as a professor of Polish universities serving among others as dean of a faculty and vice-rector of a university. He has been a member of the Committee of Computer Science and the Committee of Cosmic Research of the Polish Academy of Science. He has authored/co authored over 70 articles published in international and Polish scientific journals and 4 monographs on mathematics, telecommunications and informatics.
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