The Juncker’s Plan - an important European experience
MOREPaweł Borys
Company: Polish Development Fund
Position: Chairman of the Board
Company: Polish Development Fund
Position: Chairman of the Board
The Juncker’s Plan - an important European experience
MOREInvestments in the first place
MOREInvesting in a time of instability – risks, barriers, courage and profits. The Juncker’s Plan in the making – drawing conclusions from the news as it breaks. The investment climate in Central Europe and Poland. Not ‘How much?’ or ‘How many?’ but ‘How?’ Investments of high value for the economy and the labour market. Financing of projects as part of EU programmes. Infrastructure comes first – main directions of public investments. The art of competing for investors – versatile tools and special incentives. What hampers private investment and what stimulates it?
Centralny Port Komunikacyjny. Nowy węzeł transportowy Europy
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