The risks of foreign expansion
MORE • SPEAKERSPosition: Partner, Baker McKenzie
Position: Partner, Enterprise Investors
Position: Partner, EY
Position: Fund Manager for Polish International Development Fund, TFI BGK S.A.
Position: Member of the Management Board, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
Position: Deputy CEO and Head of Strategy, HSBC Group
Position: Deputy Chairman of the Board, KUKE SA
Position: Secretary of State, Chancellery of the President of Poland
Position: Marshal of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship
Position: Editor-in-chief,
Position: Chairman, Local Government and Regional Policy Committee of the Polish Parliament
Position: Marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship
Position: Chairman of the Board, PG SILESIA
Position: Chairman of the Board, Polska Grupa Górnicza Sp. z o.o.
Position: Member of the Board for Industry and Energy, ERBUD SA
Position: Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy in the years 1997–2001, Poland, Adviser to the Board, PwC
Position: Chairman of the Board, Lubelski Węgiel "Bogdanka" SA
Position: Department of Law and Insurance, University of Economics in Katowice, Head, Research Centre for Social Labour Dialogue
Position: Chairman of the Board, Polish Association of Automotive Industry (PZPM)
Position: President, Association of Automotive Parts Distributors and Producers
Position: Deputy Chairman of the Board, Pilkington Automotive Poland Sp. z o.o.
Position: Managing Director, Volvo Auto-Boss
Position: Partner, Tax Advisory Department, Head of Automotive Industry, KPMG
Position: Chairman of the Board, Polska Grupa Motoryzacyjna (Polish Automotive Group – PGM)
Position: Chairman of the Board, IZOBLOK SA
Position: Chairman of the Board, FA Krosno SA
Position: dyrektor Dywizji Portowej, OT Logistics SA
Position: CEO, Port of Gdansk Authority S.A.
Position: Chairman of the Board, Zarząd Morskich Portów Szczecin i Świnoujście SA (Szczecin and Świnoujście Seaports Authority)
Position: Economic Journalist
Position: Chairman of the Board, Baltic Container Terminal Gdynia
Position: Member of the Board
Position: Chairman of the Board, DCT Gdańsk SA
Position: Warsaw School of Economics
Position: Director of the industrial chemistry department, BASF Polska
Position: Chairman of the Board, Krakowski Holding Komunalny SA
Position: Undersecretary of State, Ministry of the Environment, Poland
Position: senior manager, Deloitte
Position: Director for Industrial Projects, Veolia Energia Polska
Position: Expert in local government and regional development, The Sobieski Institute
Position: Head of the ‘Energy’ Programme, The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)
Position: Director, Department of Strategy and International Cooperation, Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne SA
Position: Director, Head of Department of Emerging Security Challenges, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary
Position: Head of Research Office, Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)
Position: Head, City DNA Team, Author of the Report ‘Miejskie Polityki Kulturalne 2016’ (‘Urban Cultural Policies 2016’)
Position: Founder-Member, Europejski Instytut Projektowania i Niepełnosprawności (The Institute for Design and Disability), Ambassador, Design for All Europe
Position: Chairman of the Board, Bank Ochrony Środowiska SA
Position: Director, Silesian Museum
Position: Founder, Konior Studio
Position: Co-Owner, MM Communications
Position: Journalist, 'Dziennik Zachodni’ Daily
Position: Vice-President of Katowice
Position: Deputy Chairman of the Board, ING Bank Śląski SA
Position: Senior Technology Officer in the Tax Management Consulting Team, Deloitte Tax Advisory
Position: Member of the Board, Microsoft
Position: Managing Director, DELab UW
Position: Chairman of the Board, Creotech Instruments SA
Position: Chief Specialist, Department of Strategy and International Cooperation, Polish Space Agency
Position: Chairman of the Board, VIGO System SA
Position: Chairman of the Board, Silesian Science and Technology Centre of Aviation Industry
Position: Deputy Chairman of the Board, Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu SA
Position: Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Nowy Przemysł Economic Magazine
Position: Polityka Insight
Position: Associate Director/Senior Banker, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Position: Deputy Chairman of the Board, Stowarzyszenie Energii Odnawialnej (Renewable Energy Association)
Position: Chairman of the Board, Polish Wind Energy Association (PSEW)
Position: Director, Renewable Energy Department, Ministry of Energy, Poland
Position: Deputy Chairman of the Board, National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
Position: Chairman of the Board, Krajowy Instytut Energetyki Rozproszonej (National Institute of Distributed Generation – KIER)
Position: Chairman of the Board, Institute for Renewable Energy (EC BREC IEO)
Position: Chairman of the Board, Ferona Polska SA
Position: Chairman of the Board, Stalprofil SA
Position: Chairman of the Board, Hutnicza Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa (Polish Steel Association)
Position: Partner, McKinsey & Company Poland Sp. z o.o.
Position: Chairman of the Board, CMC Poland Sp. z o.o.
Position: Country Manager, Head of Corporate Governance & Government Affairs, Head of Energy & Environment Office, ArcelorMittal Poland
Position: Chairman of the Board, Polski Koks SA
Position: Former Ministerf of Justice of the Polish Parliament (Sejm) in 2015
Position: Chairman of the Board, Regionalna Izba Gospodarcza w Katowicach (Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice)
Position: Chairman of the Board, Impel SA
Position: Chairman, External Image and Legal Protection Committee, Naczelna Rada Adwokacka (Polish Bar Council)
Position: President, Supreme Audit Office
Position: Director in Katowice, Supreme Audit Office
Position: Secretary of State, Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland
Position: Secretary of State, Government Plenipotentiary for Computerisation of the Justice System, Ministry of Justice, Poland
Position: Chairman, Chairman, Ośrodek Badawczy Adwokatury im. Witolda Bayera (Witold Bayer Polish Bar Research Centre), President of Naczelna Rada Adwokacka (Polish Bar Council) in the years 2010–2016
Position: Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland
Position: Adviser to the President of the Republic of Poland, Member of the Board, Economic Expert, Sobieski Institute
Position: Founder, Chancellor, Wyższa Szkoła Techniczna w Katowicach (Katowice School of Technology)
Position: Vice-Rector for Education and Students, University of Silesia
Position: President, Leon Kozminski Academy
Position: Rektor, Silesian University of Technology
Position: Rector Elect, University of Economics in Katowice
Position: Strategic Clients Director, ING Bank Śląski SA
Position: Member of the Board, Polska Press Grupy
Position: CEO, President of the Management Board, Górażdże Cement SA
Position: Deputy Editor-in-chief, Harvard Business Review Polska
Position: President, EWE Polska Sp. z o.o.
Position: Chairman of the Board, PERN SA
Position: Leasing Director, Griffin Real Estate Sp. z o.o
Position: Deputy Chairman of the Board, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
Position: Architect, Owner, Medusa Group
Position: Vice President of the Management Board, Veolia Południe
Position: Director, Business Solutions – Public Sector, PwC
Position: Founder, CEO, OMD Sp. z o.o.
Position: Journalist,
Position: Chairman of the Board, Makarony Polskie SA
Position: entrepreneur, Member of the Polish Parliament (Sejm)
Position: Director of business development, Bisnode Polska
Position: Lead Editor,
Position: Chairman of the Board, Maspex Group
Position: Managing Partner, Enterprise Investors
Position: CEO, bvalue
Position: Chairman of the Board, Digital Factory, Process Industries and Drives Director, Siemens Sp. z o.o.
Position: Chairman of the Board, Schneider Electric Polska Sp. z o.o.
Position: Founder, Inicjatywa dla Polskiego Przemysłu 4.0 (Initiative for Polish Industry 4.0)
Position: Deputy Director, Innovation Department, Ministry of Economic Development, Poland Moderator
Position: Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Nowy Przemysł Economic Magazine
Position: Deputy Marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship
Position: Chairman of the Board, Koleje Śląskie Sp. z o.o.
Position: Chairman of the Board, Koleje Dolnośląskie SA
Position: Deputy Mayor of Wodzisław Śląski
Position: Chairman of the Board, Komunikacyjny Związek Komunalny Górnośląskiego Okręgu Przemysłowego (Municipal Transport Union of the Upper Silesian Industrial District – KZK GOP)
Position: Journalist,
Position: Journalist, Nowy Przemysł Economic Magazine /
Position: Member of the Board, Veolia Energia Warszawa
Position: Chairman of the Board, CEZ ESCO Polska
Position: Head, Division of Rational Use of Energy, Bohdan Stefanowski Institute of Heat Engineering, Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
Position: Adviser to the Mayor for Foreign Affairs, Słupsk City Hall
Position: Secretary of State at the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland in the years 2010–2015, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Infrastructure in the years 2007–2010
Position: Managing Director, BTS Group, Panattoni Europe
Position: Mayor of Zielona Góra
Position: Chairman, Local Government and Regional Policy Committee of the Polish Parliament
Position: Chairman of the Board, PKP SA
Position: Head of Business Department, ‘Wprost’ Magazine
Position: Executive Director CIFAL Płock, Deputy Mayor of Płock for Town Development and Investment, CIFAL Płock
Position: Editor-in-chief, Rezonansi
Position: Expert, World Experience for Georgia
Position: Chairman of the Board, Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce
Position: Analyst, the International Economic Relations and Energy Policy Programme, The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)
Position: Chairman, Polsko-Białoruska Izba Handlowo-Przemysłowa (PBIHP)
Position: Minister of Sport and Tourism, Poland
Position: Member of the Board, Ekstraklasa SA
Position: Faculty of Sport and Tourism Management, The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice (AWF Katowice)
Position: CEO, Tatry Mountain Resorts
Position: Deputy Mayor of Zabrze
Position: Plenipotentiary of the Board, Legia Warszawa, Chairman of the Board, Akademia Piłkarska Legii Sp. z o.o.
Position: Co-Founder, Phenicoptere
Position: Chairman of the Board, Express Sp. z o.o. sp.k.
Position: Chairman of the Board, Nova Praxis Sp. z o.o.
Position: consultant, expert in the research area, entrepreneur, Chairman of TNS OBOP in the years 2000-2013
Position: Owner, Chairman, DEMO Effective Launching
Position: HR Director, EUVIC Sp. z o.o.
Position: B2B Marketing and Sales Excellence Director, Canon Polska
Position: Partner, DLA Piper
Position: Director, Program Start na Rynku Pracy (the ‘Start in the Labour Market’ Programme), Fundacja Inicjatyw Młodzieżowych (Youth Initiatives Foundation)
Position: Technology and Development Director, Polska Press Grupy
Position: Co-founder, SALESmanago Marketing Automation
Position: Journalist, ‘Nowy Przemysł’ Economic Magazine /
Position: Chairman of the Board, Bank Ochrony Środowiska SA
Position: Mayor of Neisse
Position: Wice-President of the Board, Małopolska Regional Development Agency
Position: General secretary, Government Population Council
Position: Publicist, Chairman, Fundacja Przyjazny Kraj
Position: Mayor of Wołomin
Position: Minister of Finance in 2006
Position: Ambassador of the Reoublic of Croatia in Poland
Position: Director, The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)
Position: Head of Research Office, Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)
Position: CEO, Port of Gdansk Authority S.A.
Position: Chairman of the Board, PKP Cargo SA
Position: Journalist, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna Daily
Position: Deputy Chairman of the Board, Delta Trans Logistik Sp. z o.o.
Position: Member of the Board, Związek Niezależnych Przewoźników Kolejowych (Association of Independent Railway Carriers – ZNPK)
Position: Chairman of the Board, Union of Regional Airports, Górnośląskie Towarzystwo Lotnicze SA
Position: Deputy Editor-in-Chief, ‘Gazeta Wyborcza’ Daily
Position: CEO, Black Swan Fund, Member of the Management Board, Capital Park Group
Position: CEO, Headlines Porter Novelli
Position: Corporate Communication Director, Management Representative for Social Responsibility, Henkel Polska
Position: Editor, ‘Wysokie Obcasy’ Magazine
Position: General Director, Board of the Polish Federation of Food Industry Union of Employers (PFFI)
Position: Food Sector Managing Director, ING Bank Śląski SA
Position: Chairman of the Board, Bakallans SA
Position: Chairman of the Board, Mokate SA
Position: Lead Editor,
Position: Chairman of the Board, Maspex Group
Position: Journalist,
Position: Chairman of the Board, Polish Spirits Industry (Polski Przemysł Spirytusowy)
Position: Chairman of the Board, Founder, CEO, Team Kinguin SA
Position: Chairman of the Board, ARP Games Sp. z o.o.
Position: Head of Technology Department,
Position: Development Director, ESL
Position: Chairman of the Board, Founder, CEO, Team Kinguin SA
Position: President, Polish Aviation Club
Position: CEO, Dron House SA
Position: General Director, Inspectios
Position: Co-Owner, Chief Designer, Plenipotentiary of the Board, Spartaqs Sp. z o.o.
Position: President, Fundacja Instytut Mikromakro (‘Instytut Mikromakro’ Foundation)
Position: Chairman, Centrum Naukowo-Technologiczne Systemów Bezzałogowych Sp. z o.o. (Scientific and Technological Centre for Unmanned Systems)
Position: Managing Director, Drony Sp. z o.o.
Position: Director, Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej (Institute of Precision Mechanics)
Position: Chief Economist, PKN ORLEN SA
Position: Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland
Position: Chairman of the Board, Federacja Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych, Naczelna Organizacja Techniczna (The Polish Federation of Engineering Associations FSNT–NOT)
Position: Rektor, Silesian University of Technology
Position: President, Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology
Position: Director, Instytut Metali Nieżelaznych (Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals) in Gliwice
Position: Head, R&D Department, Mostostal Warszawa SA
Position: Senator, Poland
Position: Deputy Minister of Economy 1995-1996
Position: Chairman of the Board, Węglokoks SA
Position: President, Polish Mining Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Position: Vice-President of the Board for Financial Matters, Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa SA
Position: Senator, Poland
Position: Chairman of the Board, Polska Grupa Górnicza Sp. z o.o.
Position: Chairman of the Board, Lubelski Węgiel "Bogdanka" SA
Position: Country Manager, Head of Corporate Governance & Government Affairs, Head of Energy & Environment Office, ArcelorMittal Poland
Position: Secretary of State, Ministry of Energy, Poland
Position: Expert, Banking and Finance, Dentons – Warsaw
Position: Chairman of the Board, The Polish Bank Association (ZBP)
Position: Chairman of the Board, Co-Founder, Młodzi Reformują Polskę (The Young Reform Poland)
Position: Lecturer, Warsaw Economics School
Position: President of the Board, Towarzystwo Ekonomistów Polskich (Association of Polish Economists – TEP)
Position: Minister of Finance in 2006
Position: Chairman of the Board, Ferona Polska SA
Position: Chairman of the Board, Stalprofil SA
Position: Chairman of the Board, Polish Union of Steel Distributors
Position: Chairman of the Board, Stowarzyszenie Stal Nierdzewna (Stainless Steel Association – SSN)
Position: Vice-President of the Management Board, Węglokoks SA
Position: CMO Region East, ArcelorMittal Europe Flat Products, Chairman of the BOD, ArcelorMittal FCE Poland
Position: Secretary General, Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI)
Position: Coordinator of Economic Analysis Department, The Black Sea University Foundation
Position: Member of the Polish Parliament (Sejm), Minister of Transport and Construction in the years 2005–2006, Minister of Transport in the years 2006–2007
Position: Head of the Central Europe Programme, Polish Institute of International Affairs
Position: Division Director – Mobility, Siemens Sp. z o.o.
Position: Chairman of the Board, Newag SA
Position: Chairman of the Board, ProKolej Foundation
Position: Chairman of the Board, Koleje Dolnośląskie SA
Position: Journalist, ‘Nowy Przemysł’ Economic Magazine /
Position: Rector, The University in Dąbrowa Górnicza
Position: Editor,
Position: Director, Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy w Katowicach
Position: Rector Elect, University of Economics in Katowice
Position: Finance Director, Head of Heat & Power Segment Performance Management, PKN ORLEN SA
Position: Chairman of the Board, Katowice Special Economic Zone
Position: Head of Unit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Position: Expert, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP)
Position: Private Sector Liaison Officer to the World Bank Group (PSLO), Polska Agencja Inwestycji i Handlu SA (Polish Investment and Trade Agency – PAIH)
Position: Lead Editor,
Position: Councilor of Lublin
Position: Director, Department for Civil Society, Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland
Position: Member of the Board, Fundacja Napraw Sobie Miasto (‘Repair Your City’ Foundation)
Position: Head Officer, Department of Social Communication, Katowice City Hall
Position: Member of the Polish Parliament (Sejm)
Position: Director of Inland Shipping Division, OT Logistics S.A.
Position: Economic Journalist
Position: Representative of Marshal of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship for Waterways, Marshal's Office of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Province
Position: Director General, The Initiative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Global Compact in Poland
Position: Representative, Kazakhstan Railways (KTZ) in Europe
Position: Marketing Director, AdyExpress, Azerbaijan
Position: Deputy Secretary-General, Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor (TMTM) Association
Position: First Deputy Director-General, The State Administration of Railway Transport of Ukraine ‘Ukrzaliznytsia’
Position: Head of Business Department, ‘Wprost’ Magazine
Position: Member of the Board for Trade and Operation, PKP Linia Hutnicza Szerokotorowa Sp. z o.o. (PKP Broad Gauge Railway Line)
Position: Chairman of the Board, Euroterminal Sławków Sp. z o.o.
Position: CEO, Trans Caucasus Terminals LLC (TCT)
Position: Member of the European Parliament, President of the European Parliament in the years 2009–2012, Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland in the years 1997–2001, Chairman of the Programme Board of the EEC
Position: Partner, Evolutio S.C.
Position: CEO, Tatry Mountain Resorts
Position: Mayor of Karpacz
Position: Member of the Board, Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Śląskiego (Marshal's Office of the Silesian Voivodeship)
Position: Chairman, Sport, Tourism and Recreation Committee, Silesian Voivodeship
Position: Chairman of the Board, PTWP SA Group
Position: Wice-President of the Board, Małopolska Regional Development Agency
Position: Director, Land & Development Advisory, CBRE Sp. z o.o.
Position: Deputy General Director for Environmental Engineering, Główny Instytut Górnictwa (Central Mining Institute)
Position: Ownership Supervision Director, Towarzystwo Finansowe Silesia Sp. z o.o. (Silesia Financial Association)
Position: Chairman of the Board, Walcownia Rur Silesia SA
Position: Department Manager of Customer Service, Port of Gdansk Authority S.A.
Position: Chairman of the Board, General Director, Haldex SA
Position: Chairman of the Board, Kraków Nowa Huta Przyszłości SA
Position: Chairman of the Board, CEO, Spółka Restrukturyzacji Kopalń SA
Position: Mayor of Katowice in years 1998-2014
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